Please choose one environmental effect that fossil fuels has on the environment (i.e. oil spills, oil drilling impacts, air pollution, etc...) write a paragraph explaining the concerns and its impacts.
Then also research why others believe that, despite this environmental impact, it is important to use fossil fuels
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Automobiles are a source of huge amounts of carbon dioxide output. Most people dont know why that is bad or what is wrong with a car the has "bad emissions". This carbon dioxide, which is the bad emissions, is whats causing global warming and the destruction of the ozone layer. This is dangerous because it is making the suns rays more harmful and intoxicating our air.
Now there are many that would say that these problems are false or not important. They would say that it is more important that we have our choice of what automobile to drive and be able to drive as much as we want. I agree with their reasoning there is no reason we should just stop driving, we need to drive its a part of our lives. However one easy solution that people always seem to forget is to buy a hybrid, solar, or electric car. Cars like this are everywhere and they are rather affordable. So the decision is yours, but I think that there is a logical way to do it.
jackson d
Air Pollution from coal!
Burning coal is the leading cause of smog, acid rain, potentially global warming, and air toxics. 10, 000 tons of sulfur dioxide causes acid rain which damages forests, buildings, water sources and manifests into air particles that we breathe in and can penetrate the lungs. This can lead to chronic bronchitis, asthma and premature death. In addition, 720 tons of carbon monoxide causes headaches and cause stress to people with heart diseases. There are so many reasons why the air pollution from using coal needs to be cut back by a ton!
In contrast, the use of coal can be viewed as something we need to do. It is a relatively low coast fuel that can be easily processed for use in homes, industry and for power generation all over. In addition, it is one of the most readily available fossil fuels and it uses production, transportation, and combustion technology that is easily understood and has been used for a very long time. Also, coal use technology can potentially provide a range of hydrocarbon products that also are derived from oil.
negative effects- Coal can have effects on people, animals and the environment. It can effect people when they are mining because they are breathing in coal dust. waste rock and mining can contiminate forest and streams. They also remove some ecosystems to access coal. When its burned it can release radiation into the air from the Uranium contained in coal. Coal could eventually effect the world and also cause food chain reactions.
Positive effects- In alot of countries coal is a primary source of fuel that can be processes and used in homes, industry and power generation. It also produces electricity,
-Dave Hart
Oil drilling is a topic that is often on a knife's edge. As Judy Pennimann of the American Petroleum Institute says, "There are extremes on both sides."
Positive impacts that Oil drilling has is that it brings prices down at the pumps. It doesn't affect animals that much, according to the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,) as most animals flush PAH, a toxin released from oil production, from their bodies. The EIA (Energy Information Administration) predicts that oil drilling in America could bring in over half of our oil demands of 7.5 billion barrels of oil per year. The EIA also states that "Access to the Pacific, Atlantic, and eastern Gulf regions would not have significant impacts on domestic crude oil and natural gas production or prices before 2030," saying that, though the impact would not immediately be seen, the long-term prognosis is good.
On the contrary, the effect that oil drilling can have on its immediate surroundings can be harsh. ANWR (The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge), says that Polar bears, Caribou. and other animals go across the areas in Alaska which would be drilled to give birth, which could potentially throw a monkey wrench in the birth cycles of those animals offspring. The ANWR disputes the claims made by the NOAA, saying they are "erroneous," and "do not accurately capture the environmental damage done to these animals," adding that the reaction from the animals' immune systems can cause cancer. It also brings down tourism in areas which have drilling in them, as many of these coastal communities depend on tourism for money. Though oil drilling is necessary SOMEWHERE, executives should be careful where they place drilling.
Drilling for oil in Alaska is a highly controversial issue. The estimates on how much oil could be procured from the drilling is unsure. Also, the amount of oil obtained would most likely have very little impact on how much oil cost world wide. The area needed to be drilled is vague and support facilities, roads, pipelines, etc. In addition, oil spills would be a constant danger to the untamed, valuable, and beautiful wild of Alaska. In addition, "eskimo people" that lived around the area would have their lives completely disrupted by the drilling.
Positives to the drilling is that yes, there would be more oil for the US and the world. Dipping into these reserves could possibly result in further findings of hidden oil deposits. With the global supply of oil running low fast, a boost such as this would help sustain us longer while we search for a good method to run on after oil runs out. Also, if performed properly and safely, the wildlife could possibly be well preserved.
Any time oil drilling is mentioned, you know there's going to be environmental impacts. When its offshore oil drilling, the impact is more serious, since you're not just digging underground but also thousands of feet underwater. Whenever oil is recovered from the ocean floor, other chemicals and toxic substances come up too, stuff like mercury, arsenic and lead that are usually released back into the ocean. Also seismic waves used to locate oil can harm sea animals and disorient whales. Exxon and Mobil recently had to suspend exploration efforts near Madagascar after more than 100 whales beached themselves.
The effect of offshore oil drilling is deadly to the animals, and it can be very harmful to larger animals. Though offshore oil drilling can sometimes be bad there are many benefits to it as well.
More oil production usually results in lower gas prices, and countries which are able to drill for their own oil do not have to buy from other nations.If we drill offshore we don't necessarily have to buy off other countries which can make gas prices cheaper. Also oil is used to heat our house, and run our cars. I know it doesn't seem like much but think of life with no vehicles and no heat. Technology would be an issue because nothing new would really be developed, and the only way to heat an area is with open fire which is dangerous and a hassle. Without transportation it would be hard to travel from place to place. Though oil has a negative effect, it also has a very large positive effect.
()*&^%$#@! Chris Lunt !@#$%^&*()
Coal mining is a source of energy that is used today, that has many impacts on the environment. The methods of coal mining can be very destructive to the land, and even the workers who dig for this coal. Very large quantities of ash have to be disposed during this task of mining, and a lot of smoke is produced. This pollutes the air because the coal has significant amounts of sulfur. The sulfur after burning, changes into sulfur dioxide, and in the end, turn into sulfuric acid. This causes acid rain. Coal mining makes the environment not so clean, but there are positive aspects to this source of energy, which is why we hold on to it.
Coal is a low cost energy source. There is a lot of it available, which makes it not so high in demand, and the prices for it low. The world will not be running out of coal in the nearby future.
Amber Labbe
There are many oil wastes that are often caused by spills or leaks, being the result of careless habitats. Most oil wast consists of oily stormwater drainage from cities and farms, untreated waste disposal from factories and industrial facilities and unregulated recreational boating.
Offshore Drilling
Some good thing out of offshore drilling is, gas prices will drop when opened up to the companies. It will help with job's meaning allowing for more people to work for them.
The complaints are that, Scientist don't know how much Oil is actually off shore making kind of a guessing game. Could cause loose of jobs due to effecting the shore's and creating hazard's for the water area's taken over. Oil spills can happen when shipping.
Oil spills effect the ocean wildlife as well as the shore line. It takes many people to clean up the spill, and by the time its all clean many animals will already be dead. The Exxon Valdez incident was a huge spill that happened in alaska. The spill killed sea birds, otter, seals, as well as little organism that life in the ocean. Some animals weren’t killed by the pill but were affected badly. Also spills aren’t always accidental either, some terrorist purposely dump oil into other countries ocean as a form of warfare. There are also people who dump oil into the ocean, and storm drains because its easier then decomposing to oil. Using energy to power a lot of are daily technology can cut down the use of oil and slow down how many ships transport oil on the ocean.
62% of oil that is transported is moved using big ships. The Persian Gulf is a major route to transfer oil to many different countries. If the only way to prevent oil spills form happening is to stop transporting only by ship then oil prices will go up and there will be little trade with other countries. The oil spills are also mostly reversible, and can be clean over time. Also there are ways to decompose oil so illegal oil dumpers don’t have to dump oil into the water. Using oil is very economy profitable, and the industry is growing.
Aimee Daniel
Dioxins are considered a petrochemical. They are not intentionally made; they are a product of processes that involve chlorine (distribution of pesticides and the bleaching of paper). Another commonly used plastic, called polyvinyl chloride (PVC) can frequently be found in medical tools and packaging on consumer products.
Dioxins can, over time, cause cancer and endocrine disruption. When these chemicals are released into the bloodstream, they begin to tamper with almost all of the body's functions. The way hormones move through the body is changed, and sometimes even stopped. This can cause serious long term damage to the body.
Black Lung (Coal Workers' Pneumoconiosis)
Cause: Long exposure to coal dust.
Concerns/Impacts: Black lung disease was first recognized by physicians in 1831 when a British doctor observed that miners were suffering from asthma. Some concerns are the young boys recruited for such work without adequate protection for long hours, inhaling silica dust over long periods. More than 20,000 miners nationwide have died of black lung since 1990, even with new laws & regulations in place. For example, Eastern Kentucky still does not have the resources or the will to bring dust down to levels that won't sicken workers although the federal advisory committee's recommendations have been implemented for a decade. Kentucky pays $77 million annually in state benefits to about 10,000 disabled miners, funded by coal companies. New technology has come out to provide a running average of dust exposure for each miner called Personal Dust Monitors (PDMs) and more advanced respirators are being provided for more protection. However, these are extremely expensive ($7,5000 each) and even if the manufacturers were to start putting PDMs to work today, it would take 18-24 months to produce the needed quantities. Furthermore, since the workers believe the safety gear to be uncomfortable and hardly wear it, officials are less urgent to pour their money into safety gear that will go to waste.
Importance: Many argue that coal brings benefits to states, such as Kentucky, such as low electricity rates that attract other industries, high-paying jobs in poor areas, and flat land for development where there used to be unusable mountainsides. Coal provides around 28% of our energy, and very large amounts of electricity can be generated in one place using coal, fairly cheaply. Also, transporting oil and gas to the power stations is easy, and gas-fired power stations are very efficient. One of the most unreported benefits is that coal companies usually put back more into the community than they take out of the earth.
All of what is posted above is the clearly negative affect on the body due to dioxin exposure. On the other hand, pesticides get rid of insects that would otherwise disrupt the atmosphere and environment so it is necessary to use these chemicals. In terms of the medical devices which contain PVC, it is obvious that these devices are completely necessary as well, especially in hospitals.
Oil spills are important because we want to prevent them from happening. If it happened, oceans would be ruined.
greenhouses gases
Why natural gas is bad for the environment:
Even though it is cleaner than coal and oil, it still contributes a large amount of carbon dioxide to greenhouse gases. By itself, natural gas is mostly methane, which is 21 times more dangerous for greenhouse warming than carbon dioxide so any leakage of the gas (from animals, landfills, melting tundra, etc) contributes strongly to greenhouse emissions.
Some electrical appliances require high voltage which is dangerous and costly to install.
And it can leak, potentially causing an explosion. As far as fueling automobiles with either Compressed Natural Gas or Liquid Natural Gas, the refueling process is slow (slower than using propane), and high pressures are required. And there are dangers of carrying around CNG or LNG tanks in vehicles for obvious reasons.
Why natural gas is still important:
Natural gas (largely methane) burns more cleanly than the other fossil fuels (45% less carbon dioxide emitted than coal and 30% less than oil). It is easily transported via pipelines and fairly easily using tankers (land and sea). It can be piped into homes to provide heating and cooking and to run a variety of appliances. It is used to produce ammonia for fertilizers, and hydrogen, as well as in the production of some plastics and paints. It's also lighter than air, so if there is a leak it will tend to dissipate, unlike propane, which is heavier than air and pools into explosive pockets. It can be used for heating, cooking, hot water, clothes dryer, backup generator power, and so forth. Some places will supply it to your house by way of underground pipes. Natural gas is more economical than electricity.
Kristine Ceinski
THe gulf war pil spill is regarded by some as the most devstating oil spill in history. It crtainly was the largest, covering an area of 101 by 42 miles with a five inch thick layer of oil. It ruined wildlife all around.
While may alternative types of energy are being developed, many people argue that crude oil is essential to our everyday life. 97 percent of transportation relies on oil, as well as heating and industry. While it would be very hard to get rid of using oil completely, we can develop ways to use less of it like driving hybrid cars or riding bikes.
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