Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Any questions on your childrens book assignment? Let me know!


Anonymous said...

Can i have my scene be in a class room, or is that too easy ( for using my words)

Anonymous said...

Where do we post out HW?

Anonymous said...

I don't know where to post our most recent homework assignment, but I researched the white-tailed deer.

Limiting factors include availability of food, water, shelter and space. Alterations in these, or a lack of these conditions, animal and plant populations can be negatively affected. Other limiting factors like competition for resources, predation and disease can also impact populations. If any of the limiting factors change, animal and plant populations change, too. Although these deer appear to be very adaptable creatures, without just one component of their living conditions is less than optimal, it prevents the deer from fully excelling and utilizing their other resources which may seem to be just fine.
Their main food during the summer is the leafy parts of annual and perennial weeds and shrubs, although this changes in autumn when acorns begin to fall (which is approximately 54% of their diet). Oak trees have special wildlife values for both food and cover. Young oaks with branches close to the ground provide brushy cover. Also, evergreens provide valuable shelter to provide coverage, concealment, protection and food during winter.
Lastly, a deer will not live permanently in a place without a minimum of one source of permanent water per square mile.

Kayla Bibeau