Friday, October 23, 2009

Limiting Factors

Sorry!! Completely forgot that I didn't put a place to put your homework.

What is your species? What sort of limiting factors effect your species?


Anonymous said...

American Marten
-Snow depth delineates their range of habitat. Snow depth is important for them to forage, rest, and escape from predators.
-Martens need landscapes with about 80% forest with at least 30 feet tall trees. Deforestation can be a problem in this area. They need large hollow trees or logs is needed.
-Fishers can also be a problem. If there is an abundance of fishers, Marten may not be able to survive due to predatory hunting by fishers.
-Dense clumps of conifers or small diameter conifers are needed for habitat suitability for Marten and can increase predation.
-Trapping can be a problem, and has been in the past, not so much recently.
-Coarse woody debris on the forest floor is necessary for access points to prey and resting places in the winter with heavy snow fall because they live in subnivean(under the snow) resting sites in the winter.
-Marten have an intolerance for tree spacing where they can't get from tree to tree to escape from predators. They need overhead cover, not necessarily a closed canopy, but a tree top cover.


Anonymous said...

Clown fish live in the sea anemone, and have a sticky mucus slime on them so they won’t get stung. The eat what is leftover from the sea anemone’s meal, mostly big fish. They also eat plankton, and algae, and bits of the sea anemone tentacles. They live in pairs in the host anemone which is commonly the large stoichactis species anemone. Usually not hunted by man for food, but now are attraction in peoples aquariums. The catchers would destroy the reef and sea anemone to get the the Clown Fish. Clown fish aren’t hunted by other fish, and survive by hiding in the anemone. To survive Clown fish have to swim in warm water, also Clown fish that live in water that has absorbed carbon dioxide, become disoriented, and lost at sea. Clown fish can’t live in a place that is too acidic, and with the absorption of carbon dioxide the oceans pH has dropped .1 percent. Anther limiting factor is the Brooklynella disease that kills clown fish.
BY Aimee Daniel
Period: 8-9 white

Anonymous said...

The Siberian Tiger is the world's largest cat. The are an estimated 300 to 400 siberian tigers living in the world. Some of their limiting factors are a low birth rate of their young. They only give birth to about 2 or 3 cubs. The cubs also can not b left alone until about 18 months of life which is another limiting factor. Poaching is also a limiting factor of these creatures. Since they are such a rare animal they are prized game for poachers. Their hunting ability is also a limiting factor. It takes them about 10 strikes to take down a big prey. They hunt elk, deer, and wild boars.

Justin Taylor

Anonymous said...

Native Wolves make their home in the northeast United States. It was (is) a survivor of the ice age. Much of its territory has been destroyed by humans. Humans have been identified as a limiting factor for these wolves, as the grounds that the wolves reside on are predominately deep forests (which, consequently, have been done away with in large part by humans.) Also, humans killing deer (which is a large part of a wolves' food source) has been a limiting factor for the wolves, as they cannot afford to reproduce at exponential rates for a lack of food supply. Though they used to have a large population that extended across North America and Eurasia, wolves have found themselves increasingly endangered, and one has to wonder whether the advent of modern development will further reduce the amount of land that they have.

-Henry Loughlin
8/9 White

Anonymous said...

Mountain lions live in a the Canada, Yukon, America, South America, and the Andes. They eat deer, elk, and bighorn sheep, as well as domesticates hoses, sheep, cows. in some areas insects and rodent. They prefer to live in underbrush and rocky areas. They can live in open areas but prefer not to. They are very territorial animals and like to live alone. Even though they are a big animal, they are not the dominate animal in the region, they will fight with other animals like the grey wolf and black bears over prey. More reservation for mountain lions are being created because the population as decreases. Because of prize seeking hunters. Now more deer populated the area and researchers believe that the mountain lion population can bounce back if the humans let them. The mountain lion can live in very extreme climates. Hopefully mountain lions can come out of the endangered list and thrive like they once could.
Calvin Burgess

Anonymous said...


- They are very big so they move slow causing boats, fishing nets and hooks to hit them all the time.
- Humans are the ones to kill them the most causing the population growth to really slow down.
- They need to live in warm shallow water.
- Predators like sharks, crocodiles, orcas, and alligators like to have a meal time with them.
- Manatees can be curious which is a main reason for death

Anonymous said...

Giant Panda

The giant panda is a mammal that lives in central-western and south western china. The giant panda is a member of the bear family. The giant pandas main food source is bamboo. Because of the low nutrients in bamboo, and the fact giant pandas are carnivores, means that they must consume 20 to 30 pounds of bamboo each day. Twenty-five types of bamboo are eaten by pandas in the wild. The number one predator for the giant panda are humans. Other than humans there are very few predators. However leopards will pray upon panda cubs. Giant pandas stay in the same area mainly because of the food source.

Chris Lunt

Anonymous said...

Coral Snake- They have many predetors, types that live on the ground and types that fly.The color of the snake helps it scare off predetors but also it atracts because the color everything can see if its in the open. The coral snake lives under mostley flat wood or they live on the edges of the swamps under things. Dave Hart

Anonymous said...

Food- Black bears are very opportunistic eaters. Most of their diet consists of grasses, roots, berries, and insects. They feed primarily on plants although in some areas they prey on mammals such as deer fawns or moose calves and in also they rely on salmon. They will also eat fish and mammals and easily develop a taste for human foods and garbage. Although they are classified as carnivores, black bears are actually omnivorous.

shelter- In our area, black bears don’t hibernate but they remain dormant during the coldest part of the winter. Unlike true hibernators, a dormant black bear can become fully alert in minutes if it is disturbed.  Winter dens include hollow trees, cavities formed in the ground, or sometimes simply a bed on the surface of the ground in a thicket. 

climate- they can stand almost any climate However in the winter they go into hibernation where they sleep through the winter.

water - black bear will drink water when they can find a good source, but like many animals the get the moisture they need from the foods they eat.

Habitat and founded in North Carolina and the eastern United States. In the north areas black bears are mostly found in the eastern coastal plain and in the western mountains.


Anonymous said...

The Right whale (Eubalaena glacialis) is an endangered species in Maine. There are quite a few factors that limit their survival, specific to calling Maine their home. These include being hit by ships, getting tangled in fishing nets, low genetic variability, and habitat degradation. The most severe of these seem to be the first two, being stricken by ships and getting tangled in nets. Between the hunting of whales, which isn't too common anymore but can be in certain places, and the constant fishing nets being tossed in the ocean, these whales have a tough survival chance.

Anonymous said...

Black Bears-

-A black bears' shelter is extremely important because they need cover for hiding, feeding, raising their cubs and denning. If bears have a small, limited space, the adult bears will often kill their young. Food is also an important part of a bear's environment because competition is intense for the food available in their area. Some adult bears will leave their homes in order to avoid competition and have as much food as possible before hibernation in the winter. Limiting factors for bears are most commonly inadequate food and/or shelter. Because bears feed on strictly berries, plants, nuts and random insects, these clearly do not come in "filling" amounts for many families of bears so it is clear why these are such limiting factors.

Whittttt Beeeeeeb

Anonymous said...

The Bengal tiger is the most populated tiger in the world. There are over 2000 bengal tigers alone. Most of them live in india in heavy wooded or jungle areas. While 2000 tigers might seem like a good number, the truth is that in the past century we have lost over 90 percent of the bengal tigers. Most of the tigers lost were due to hunting and poaching. There pelts were highly praised and sold for a lot of money, and sometimes still sell for a lot of money. This poaching is a huge limiting factor for them. Another major problem they are facing is there homes are being taking up by humans. People are consantley cutting down the forest and thus forcing the tigers to either move or die. Along with there homes being taken away some of there food goes with that. The jungle is where they get everything they need to live, so when its cut down there food goes away to. These are limiting factors in keeping the tiger population down. However, right now its down way to low and they need some help in order to get back to a good rate of population.


Anonymous said...

Limiting factors for the panther are habitat availability, prey availability, and lack of human tolerance. Environmental contamination, such as mercury and other chemicals, is also a cause of the death of the black panthers. Another big threat to the black panther’s survival is loss, and the degradation of habitat because of agricultural and residential development by humans.  The development not only reduces the amount of habitat available to black panthers, but also the amount of food available to the panthers’ food sources. One of direct side effects of loss and degradation of habitat is inbreeding – mating between close relatives.  Inbreeding has a negative effect on the immune system, making the black panthers more likely to get diseases.
-Kristine Ceinski

Mac said...

The habitats of a black-footed cat are arid semi-dessert and savannah, like the Karoo and the parts of the highveld, but it's only sparsely distributed in the Kalahari Desert.

Due to its small size, the black-footed cat hunts mainly small prey species like rodents and small birds, but may also take the White-quilled Bustard and the cape hare.