There are three primary theories of responsibility to the environment. Each agrees that we should protect the Earth to a certain extent, but why they protect the Earth is very different.
Which of the three (biocentric, anthropocentric, ecocentric) are you? Explain why you feel the way you do.
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I think this is finally working, please try and answer the question
moral responsibilites are good. CL
anthropocentric because i don't care if it doesn't effect me.
calvin burgess
I feel that I am Biocentric, because that's what I do basically.
I would consider myself an Biocentric follower. While I am aware of my affect on the environment, I don't worry too much about killing mosquito's or other pests. Overall preservation of wildlife is of a high importance to me but I stray away from the Ecocentric point of view in the sense that I don't feel strongly about completely preserving large pieces of land (50+ acres). If development is necessary, then it should happen; on the other hand, I don't support excessive development such as extra shops in downtown Freeport that only add to the tourist trap that is this town during the summer.
I feel that way, because try to save other things but also keep humans in the run too.
Bonus Points?
I am Biocentric because i care about the environment but not so much that i would drastically change my life. Like I recycle, and try not the use a lot of paper. I would never litter, and i also pick up litter when i see it and throw it away. If the air and the land is clean its a better day in my world.
Aimee Daniel
I'm more of an Ethocentric because I believe that the environment has a huge impact on the way humans live so we need to preserve and keep safe what we can. Humans have a lot of rights, but the environment needs its rights as well.
Amber Labbe
I am biocentric, but I am also anthropocentric. I respect nature and i know that we have to preserve it, but at the same time economic growth is very important. I believe that different areas should be designated for living and business, while others should be for wild life.
-Justin Taylor
I believe I am biocentric, I believe we shouldn't kill animals but plants are o.k. to kill... in moderation. We shouldn't destroy whole forests but we should still be able to clear some land for the logging industry, because i think jobs are important. I also think anything that can feel pain shouldn't be killed because they don't deserve it, just like you and me don't deserve to be killed.
-kristine c.
I think that i am anthropocentric because i believe that humans should be able to built houses and drive ars without really worrying. But i also think that people need to be careful of how much they consume and should take the environment and animals into consideration.
Jackson Dodge
I would say I'm in the middle and would classify myself as a biocentric. I believe that we depend greatly on our environment and that we need to consider our actions. Personally, I am more concerned with the biotic, living, creatures and not so concerned about rocks and such (although I do consider water important). I myself believe it's fine to kills pests, and my family hunts, so I can't say that I'm very ecocentric in that sense. I believe we just need to consider our impact on the environment for today, and for our future.
Kayla Bibeau
i dont really care because it affects me in no way. if it affected me more i may care a little bit more but who cares. so im anthro. Do Work
Biocentric because I think living things have rights to live but that some things are there that humans should use and have the right to use. However some things such as the rain forest are worth saving without thinking for ourselves.
I think that my beliefs are mostly biocentric. I believe that all species of living plants animals and organisms have a right to live and strive. I understand that death is natural, and that many organisms survive by eating other organisms, so I understand that not all individuals can survive. However, i think that i am also ecocentric when it comes to abiotic factors that are depended on by biotic factors. I look at it more as a matter of saving species, and treating individual organisms with care (e.g no unnecisary torture/ pain [e.g meat industry]) i kill mosquitos- they have no feelings and there's no way i'm going to wipe out a population of mosquitos or effect any ecosystem by doing that.
I would say that I'm closest to being biocentric because I think that most living things have a right to live and I would have to say that I am more focused on animals than plants. Though it may sound mean, if there's a spider or bug crawling across my floor or flying around my face, I will probably do my best to kill it--unless it's like a butterfly or something bigger and prettier. Along with some of my views falling into the biocentric view, I also agree with killing/hunting animals to USE for my family to eat and for OUR needs..which would fall into a more anthropocentric theory.
I'm antropocentric because I'm the kind the kind that likes to eat.
I have biocentric/ Anthropocentric beliefs. I believe that saving the earth plays into the part of if we didn't have the earth what would we live on. However, I also believe in protecting the animals and their rights but, not in a crazy " kill the humans, save the earth way." RF
10:35 (the first one) was whitney bibeau's :) ooopsies
I would consider myself biocentric. While I drive a car that burns fossil fuels and do many other things that aren't exactly environmentally friendly, I believe that we must keep animals safe because they are part of our ecosystem and must be taken care of. Animals have just as much right to our environment as the human race, and any reason to destroy their habitat to benefit their own is inhumane (no pun intended.)
- Henry Loughlin
i am more anthro. but also bio centric becuase i dont mind killing animals if im going to eat them , I think humans are more important than animals becuase we need more resources and more places to live but i dont want to kill alot of animals to do so. dave hart
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